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All athletes are required to complete an Initial Assessment prior to training.


What EVERY ATHLETE NEEDS! We offer 3 levels of SAQP classes, with each level becoming more advanced and requiring more efficient recovery periods!
Our staff will help determine the level that’s right for you!

Attend a total of 3 sessions per week!

Speed athletes are not required to complete an initial assessment. However, Speed athletes, who opt out of the assessment, will start in Speed Level 1.

Assessments Website

Speed Class Details

1 Month: $209     6 Months: $179     12 Months: $159

Speed athletes are not required to complete an initial assessment. However, Speed athletes, who opt out of the assessment, will start in Speed Level 1.

Speed level designation is not age based, but skill based.  Skills are evaluated during Initial and Quarterly Assessments, as well as during the class itself. 

Here’s a brief overview of each class:

Speed 1: Train Phase

Speed 1 introduces the foundational movements of speed and agility mechanics.  Terminology, movement patterns and concepts will be introduced and worked on in a setting that allows for the development of the individual skill.  Balance, Coordination and Body Control are essential to develop during this phase of training. 

Speed 2:  Develop Phase

Speed 2 works with the athlete to understand how their movement patterns and individual fitness levels affect their ability to increase ground force production.  Skills are linked together to create more complex patterns leading to greater skill acquisition.  The ability to produce and absorb force is key to success at this level.

Speed 3:  Compete Phase

Speed 3 Athletes should have an above average level of fitness that allows them to recover quickly and adapt to the fast-paced challenging drills of the class.  Mastery of bilateral movement patterns allow the athlete to develop efficient unilateral explosive movements. Neurological Adaptations and Energy System Development will occur.  Reactive Speed and Agility is a focus.
